Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Camera Angles Workshop

High Angle Shots - Camera is above eye level of the subject, looking down. High angles make the object/ character photographed seem smaller, younger, weaker and less significant.

Eye level Shots - Fairly neutral, camera is at eye level as though it is a human observing a scene. The most common angle used.

Low Angle Shots- The camera is placed below eye level, looking upward. A low angle shot can make a character look bigger, stronger, taller or more important/ noble.

Distance Shots: Extreme Long Shots - Taken from up to a quarter of a mile away. Generally used as a scene- setting, establishing shot. It lets the audience know where the next scene is coming up. Often shows outside of buildings/ landscapes.

Distance Shots: Long shot - Difficult to precisely categorise, but generally one which shows the image as approximately 'life' size. Shows entire human body, with the head near the top of the frame and the feet near the bottom.

Distance Shots: Medium Shot - contains a figure from the knees/ waist up. Normally used for dialogue scenes, or to show some detail of action. Allows audience to see movement but also the character is easily identifiable.

Distance Shots: Close Up - Shows very little background, concentrates on either a face or a detail scene. This is to show the important detail such as an expression, close up can take us into the mind of the character. can be used to make audiences feel really cpmfortable or uncomfortable with a character.

Distance Shots: Extreme Close Up - Generally magnifying beyond what the human eye would experience in reality. An extreme close upof a face, would show mostly mouth and eyes. Used to show emotion.

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