A = Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology
B = Modern Art Oxford Cafe and Bar
C = Pitt Rivers Museum
At the Ashmolean, (http://www.ashmolean.org/) I was particularly interested in the Lower ground sculptures of the Human image.
Master ES
Consolation through confidence (from the Ars Moriendi)
Cast of the Aphrodisias Fisherman
Double sided mummy portrait
c.AD 100
Cycladic figure
Raphael (Raffaello Santi 1483 - 1520)
Studies of the heads of two apostles and their hands
Modern Art Oxford, (http://www.modernartoxford.org.uk/) I liked the conceptual installations.
Kerry Tribe
Dead Star Light (still)
Abraham Cruzvillegas
Autoconstruccion: The Optimistic Failure of a Simultaneous Promise
Pitt Rivers Museum, (http://www.prm.ox.ac.uk/) I liked the tribal photography.
Portrait of a thirteen year old Hopi girl named Modisi
Schomovi, Arizona, US
Photography by John Hillers 1879