The Bauhaus was a radical art school that was based in Germany between 1919 and 1933. It was started by architect Walter Gropius and had other artistic directors - Hannes Meyer and Mies van der Rohe. The school encouraged the development of all types of art and design, from architecture to textiles, furniture to typography, graphics to products and of course painting and sculpture. It's designs look fresh and contemporary after all this time. Modern designers are still inspired by it's work and ethics. The idea of 'form follows function' was certainly embodied in the work of the Bauhaus. The school was eventually closed by the Nazi regime, as free thinking artistic types did not fit in with Hitler's plans.

The Barbican in London will be staging a major exhibition from 3rd May to 12th August entitled
'Bauhaus: Art as Life'. There will be endless sources of inspiration there, no matter what your chosen discipline. It costs £7 for students if you book on line, £8 on the door. I hope to visit this exhibition before I start University in September.